TF Asylum. Another little forum that has
its own flavor. I am an admin here. Not only does it have Transformers sections but also
television, music, games, Timey's "Who & Why"
Odd One Out! (he would be a better person to ask what it is), Anime and Dr. Who. This forum offers a bi-monthly signature
contest to its members. |
Moon Base 2 forums. A moderately sized forum
that has its own podcast and a blog that is developed by several of its
members. The Podcast episodes can be seen on Youtube. |
The Cybertron Alliance Universe (CAU) is a fan
created unofficial continuity of Transformers; all relevant characters
and material is borrowed from the copyright owners, Hasbro and
Dreamworks, and any affiliates. The forum has an ongoing G1 (canon
and fan-made) RPG. It also offers a chat room to its members that
can cause some interesting discussions. |
The Cybertron Archives. This is another moderately-sized
forum that is heavily based around the USA G1 Universe. There are
games and contests for its members. The games are centered around
the G1 verse, whereas, the contest is on making signatures on a certain
Transformer character. Also, this contest runs every two weeks.
Big Bad Toy Store--An excellent online store, based
in Wisconsin, that has all of the toy-lines. Their customer
service is top-notch, in fact, I have never had a problem with them.
They do not charge one's credit card until the pre-ordered item has
arrived. Plus, the pile of loot is really nice to have in which
things can pile up in ones basket and they will not ship items until you
tell them to. This feature can help the customer save some money
particularly with the shipping and handling costs. The only
problem with BBTS is that they can be a tad more expensive than other
places in terms of the item's cost. However, in some cases they
are cheaper or at the cost of a set from Toys R Us, Target, or Wal-Mart.
Also, they typically have very good sales occurring throughout the year,
where one can save 10% to 70% off of select figures. I recommend
to anyone to watch for the sales.
TFSource--Another excellent online store that has the more
current toy-lines. Their customer service has been great and they
pack their items extremely well. They tend to be more expensive on
their items then other online stores but they are still a top-notch
store. They too have an occasional sale that are worth-while to
watch for.
Digital Toys--Another pretty good online store. They
typically require their payment in the form of Pay Pal, which can be a
disadvantage to customers that do not have a Pay Pal account.
Also, unlike BBTS, they charge your Pay Pal account when you pre-order
an upcoming figure. However, they pack items rather well and are
very quick with their shipments.
'80Tees--This is more of a clothing/appeal online store
that has all sorts of clothing with cartoon characters from the 1980s.
Their selection on Transformers clothing is very good ranging from kids
wear to adult. It is also nice that they have shirts are designed for
women. However, they can be a tad expensive due to the licensing
of 1980s cartoon characters. Their shipments are quick and
reliable. |