G1 Decepticons
In the original animated series continuity, the Decepticons owe their
warlike ways to their faction's origin as military hardware robots.
They lusted for power, began a civil war. The Autobots could not hope to
match the superior firepower and battlefield powers of the Decepticons,
and instead turn ed to stealth, developing the art of transformation,
modifying their bodies so that they could assume other forms.
Working in secret, the Decepticons also developed transformation
technology, along with new robot-mode flight powers, and, under the
command of one of the first of this new breed,
Megatron, they attacked one of the
capital's outer cities, killing the current Autobot leader.
The Japanese series of Generation 1 took on its own flavor than the USA version. Headmasters Masterforce Victory Zone Misc: International Rare Diaclone * has black missiles rather than chrome that do not
fire |
Designed on April 11, 2008 Updated on May 23, 2008 cascadia2008@hotmail.com