Cybertron Toy Line


Figure's Name Alt. Mode Accessories Any Personal Notes??
Galvatron ____ car & plane/
Instructions _____
2 missiles ___
Cybertron Decepticon key ___
gun ____
blades ____
Megatron ____ car & plane/

Instructions ____
2 missiles ___
Cybertron Decepticon key ____
gun ____
blades ____
Scourage ____ Dragon
Instructions _____
tail-axe _____
gold Jungle planet cyber key ____

Nightscream (Starscream) plane
Instructions ____
Decepticon "Crown of Leadership" ______
Cybertron Decepticon cyber key ______
gold bordered Earth Cyber key ____

Sunstorm ____ plane
Instructions ____
non-firing blaster ____
blade ____

Flame Convoy - Sky Lynx Edition ____ ????
Instructions _____
tail-axe _____
gold Jungle planet cyber key ____

Soundwave ____ plane
Instructions _____

Cryo Scourge _____ Dragon
Instructions ____
tail-axe _____
gold Jungle planet cyber key ____

Scourage ____ Dragon
Instructions ____
tail axe ____

Soundwave w/ Laserbeak ___ plane/spaceship
Instructions ____
3 small cases ____
Laserbeak _____
shoulder cannon _____
rifle ____
cyber planet key ____

Thundercreaker ____ plane/spaceship
Instructions ____
2 robot fists _____
blaster-weapon _____

Nightscream (Starscream) plane/spaceship
Instructions _____
sword ___
non-firing blaster ____

Thundercreaker ____ plane/spaceship
Instructions ____
missile ___
Earth Cyber key ___

Rumble (Scrapmetal) ___ ??????
Instructions ____
Decepticon Cybertron cyber key ______

Brushguard ____ Car
Instructions ____
missile ___
Earth cyber key ____

Hardtop ____ Car
Instructions ____
rear-mounted gun ____
Earth cyber key ____

Lugnutz ___ Motorcycle/bike
Instructions ___
Earth Cyber key ____
missile rack ___
non-firing blaster ____
tailpipe/rifle _____

Shortround ____ boat
Instructions ____
blaster/rifle ___
Earth Cyber key ___

Swindle ___ car
Instructions ____
rear-mounted gun ____
Earth cyber key ____

Overcast ___ ??????
Instructions ____
2 missiles ___

Longarm ___ Scout
Instructions ___

Deepdive ____ Scout
Instructions ___

Dino Shout (Undermine) ____ Dinosaur
Instructions ____
tail-mace ____
Jungle Planet cyber key ____

Wreckloose ___ Dragon
Instructions ____
silver bordered Jungle planet
cyber key ____
twin spiked blades ____

Ransack ___ Motorcycle/bike
Instructions ____
thrusters/gun ___
speed planet cyber key ____

Ransack GTS ____ Motorcycle/bike
Instructions ____
thrusters/gun ___
speed planet cyber key ____

Buzzsaw ___ helicopter
Instructions ____
2 missiles ____
Cybertron Decepticon
cyber key ____

Cannonball ___ car
Instructions ____
Earth cyber key ____
hammer attachment ____
claw attachment ____

Runabout (Runamuck) car
Instructions ___
gun ___
Earth Cyber key ___

Skywarp ____ plane/spaceship
Instructions ____
silver Earth cyber key ____
projectile launcher _____

Skywarp ___ plane/spaceship
Instructions ____

Chromia (Thunderblast) ____ boat
Instructions ____
missile launcher ____
2 missiles ____
Earth cyber key ____

Terra Shaver (Brimstone) ____ Dinosaur
Instructions ____
Jungle cyber key ___
Spring-loaded blades ___

Dirt Boss _____ car
Instructions ____
speed cyber key ____

Dark Nitro Convoy ___ ?????
Instructions ____
speed cyber key ___

Land Bullet (Crumplezone) ____ car
Instructions ___
speed cyber key ____
2 missiles ____
2 missile launchers _____

Arm Bullet (Dark Crumplezone) _____ car
Instructions ____
speed cyber key ____
2 missiles ____
2 missile launchers _____

Nemesis Breaker ____ monkey/ape
Instructions ___
Jungle cyber key ____
Tail whip weapon ____

Menasor w/ Heavy load ____ Construction vehicle
Instructions ____
Giant planet cyber key ____
Mini-con ___

Megazarak (Scorponok) _____ Scorpion
Instructions _____
Jungle planet cyber key ___
missile _____

Dark Scorponok ___ Scorpion
Instructions ___
Jungle planet cyber key ____
missile ____

Sky Shadow ____ plane/spaceship
2 spring loaded missile launchers ____
2 missiles ____
Earth planet cyber key ______

Starscream _____ plane
Instructions _____
cyber key ____
missile ____
missile launchers _____
Unicron _____ Military-based tank
Instructions ____
2 large bone wings ____
missile ____
2 small bone wings _____
Cybertron cyber key ____
Demolisher ____ military-based tank
Instructions ____
Demolisher (Mudflap) ____ construction vehicle
Instructions ____
missile ___
Earth planet cyber key ____
Sideways (Noise Maze)____ plane/spaceship
Instructions _____
wing ___

Legends Class

Name Alt. Mode Accessories Any Personal Notes??
Galvatron ____ car
Instructions ____
Megatron ____ car
Instructions ____
Scourge ____ Dragon
Instructions ____
Soundwave ____ plane/spaceship
Instructions ____
Starscream ____ Jet
Instructions ____
Sunstorm ____ Jet
Instructions _____
Thundercracker ____ Jet
Instructions _____

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Created/Designed on May 6, 2008  Updated on: May 24, 2008