Deluxe Class

Name Alt. mode Accessories any notes??
Axor car
Instructions _____
Barricade ___ Saleen Mustang police
Instructions ____
Bonecrusher ____ Tank/military based
Instructions ____
Brawl ____ Miltary based/tank
Instructions ___
missile ____
*Wal-Mart exclusive
Hailstorm ___ Military based/tank
Instructions ____
8 missiles ____
Jetblade ___ Jet
Instructions ____
2 missiles ____
2 missile launchers ____
*repaint of ROTF Dirge
Rampage ____ Construction vehicle
Instructions ___
threads ____
*part of the Desert Ruins set
Ravage (Ruins) ____ Cat
Instructions ___

Ravage (Sea Attack) ___ Cat
Instructions ____
Sideways ___ Car Instructions ____
*High speed set
Sideways ___ Car Instructions ____
*Sneak Attack set
Tailwhip ____ Helicopter
Instructions ___
Terradive ____ Plane/Jet
Instructions ____
axe ____
Thrust ___ Jet Instructions ____
*Target exclusive
*Crash Landing attack set

Leader Class

Name Alt. Mode Accessorries any notes??
Starscream F-22 Jet
Instructions ____
missile ____
missile launcher(?) ____

Legends Class

Name Alt. Mode Accessories any notes??
Dust Storm helicopter
Instructions ____
Grindor ____ Helicopter
Instructions ____
Long Haul ___ Construction
Instructions ____  
Long Haul ____ Construction
Instructions ___ *Megatron Rising set
Long Haul (yellow) ___ Construction
Instructions ___ *repaint
Megatron ___ Tank
Instructions ____
*Kmart exclusive
*Victory of the Fallen Set
Mixmaster ____ Construction

Instructions _____
missile _____

*Megatron Rising set`
Override ___ Car
Instructions ___
Rampage ____ bulldozer
Instructions ___
Rampage ____ bulldozer
Instructions ___
*Megatron rising set
Rampage (yellow) ____ bulldozer
Instructions ___
Ravage ____ Cat
Instructions ___
Scorponox ___ Scorpion
Instructions ___
*EZ collection
Scrapper ___ Construction

Instructions ____
*Megatron rising set
The Fallen ___ Spaceship
Instructions ___
*Lawson's Exclusive
The Fallen ___ Spaceship
Instructions ___
Victory for the Fallen set

Scout Class

Name Alt. Mode Accessories any notes??
Brimstone ____ motorcycle
Instructions ____
Insecticon ____ Insect
Instructions ___
Oil Pan ____ car
Instructions ___
Smokescreen ____ Jet Instructions ____
*G2 homage
Sunspot ____ Jet
Instructions ___
*repaint of ROTF Skystalker

Voyager Class

Name Alt. Mode Accessories any notes??
Banzaitron ___ tank/military based
Instructions _____
sword ___
Lugnut ____ Plane
Instructions ____
Megatron ____ Tank/Military based
Instructions ____
missile ____
Megatron Rising set
Payload ____ Construction vehicle
Instructions ____
The Fallen ___ Spaceship Instructions ___
Spear ____

*Human Alliance

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Created on August 6, 2010 Updated on August 6, 2010